Year |
Term |
Module |
Lecture/Tutorial |
Syllabus |
1 |
I |
Versicherungsbetriebslehre 1 (Insurance Business Operations 1) |
2 / 1 * |
1 |
I |
Deutschkurs 1 (German language courses for absolute beginners) |
2 / 1 * |
1 |
I |
Pensionsversicherungsmathematik WP (Pension Mathematics) |
2 / - * |
1 |
I |
Lebensversicherungsmathematik WP (Life Insurance Mathematics) |
2 / - * |
1 |
I |
Sozialversicherung und Betriebliche Altersversorgung WP (Social Security Systems and Occupational Pension Schemes) |
3 / - * |
1 |
I |
Finanzmathematik WP (Mathematical Finance) |
2 / - * |
1 |
I |
Versicherungsbetriebliche Risikotheorie (Operational Risk Theory) |
2 / - * |
1 |
I |
Statistische Methoden in der Versicherungsmathematik (Insurance Statistics) |
2 / - * |
1 |
I |
Kreditrisiken (Credit Risk) |
2 / - * |
1 |
II |
Schadenversicherungsmathematik WP (Non-Life Insurance Mathematics) |
2 / - * |
1 |
II |
Krankenversicherungsmathematik WP (Health Insurance Mathematics) |
2 / - * |
1 |
II |
Lineare Modelle in der Versicherungsmathematik (Linear Models for Insurance) |
2 / 1 * |
1 |
II |
Oberseminar (Graduate Seminar) |
2 / - |
1 |
II |
Internatinale Rechnungslegung (IFRS und US-GAAP) 2 (International Accounting and Auditing 2) |
2 / - * |
1 |
II |
Versicherungsbetriebslehre 2 (Insurance Business Operations 2) |
2 / 1 * |
1 |
I |
(Actuarial Modelling in Non-Life Insurance) |
2 / 1 * |
2 |
I |
Deutschkurs 2 (German business communication) |
2 / - * |
2 |
I |
Aktuarielles Controlling und Revision in Versicherungsunternehmen (Actuarial Controlling and Auditing) |
2 / - * |
2 |
I |
Zinsmodelle (Interest Rate Models) |
2 / 1 * |
2 |
I |
Versicherungsmanagement (Management in Insurance Companies) |
2 / - * |
2 |
I |
Berufsständisches 2 (Professionalism 2) |
1 / - * |
2 |
I |
Deutschkurs 3 (German language courses for highly advanced learners) |
2 / - * |
2 |
I |
Asset-Pricing-Modelle (Asset Pricing Models) |
2 / - * |
2 |
I |
Risikosteuerung von Versicherungsunternehmen (Solvabilität, Rating, Embedded Value) (Risk Management in Insurance Companies (Solvency, Rating, Embedded Value) |
2 / - * |
2 |
I |
Grundlagen der Rückversicherung (Introduction to Reinsurance) |
2 / - * |
2 |
II |
Aktienkursanalyse und Portfoliomanagement (Portfolio Management) |
2 / - * |
2 |
II |
Unternehmensführung (Corporate Governance) |
2 / - * |
2 |
II |
Abschlussarbeit (Master Thesis) |
3 months |