Aktuarwissen für Afrika e.V.

Actuarial Sciences for Africa (ASA)

Sciences Actuarielles pour l'Afrique (SAA)


On this page information for the lecturers concerning the stay in Benin will be provided.

  1. Health Care

    For your trip to Benin you are advised to be vaccinated against:

    • Tetanus
    • Diphtheria
    • Cholera
    • Polio
    • Hepatitis A
    • Amarillic Typhus (Yellow Fever)

    Make sure you begin with the vaccination procedure at least 8 weeks before starting your journey to Benin.

    For further information please visit the German Tropical Institute Hamburg and contact your family doctor.

  2. Visa

    Travelling to Benin is only possible with a valid visa.

    To apply for visa in Germany you need the following documents:

    • Application form (2 copies), filled in to be read easily
    • Passport valid through at least 6 months
    • 2 Passport photographs
    • International Certificate of Vaccination (copy only)
    • 32 EUR for a duration of stay of 30 days
    • Return flight ticket (copy only)
    • 5 EUR for registered letter
    • Self-addressed envelope

    Here are some useful addresses in Germany:

    • Botschaft von Benin
      Englerallee 23
      D-14195 Berlin
      Telefon: 030 / 2363147-0
      Telefax: 030 / 2363147-40
      E-mail: ambabenin@t-online.de
      Internet: http://www.botschaft-benin.de
    • Beninisches Honorarkonsulat Berlin
      Richardplatz 24
      D-12055 Berlin
      Telefon: 030 / 6870709
      Telefax: 030 / 6867524
    • Beninisches Honorarkonsulat München
      Tengstr. 27
      D-80798 München
      Telefon: 089 / 272931-25
      Telefax: 089 / 272931-20
    • Beninisches Honorarkonsulat Saarbrücken
      Puccinistr. 2
      D-66119 Saarbrücken
      Telefon: 0681 / 5860611
      Telefax: 0681 / 60667
  3. On-site in Benin

    • Official Representation of Germany in Benin
      Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
      7, Avenue Jean Paul II
      Cotonou Phone: 0022 / 9 / 213129-67 or -68
      Fax: 0022 / 9 / 213129-62
      Internet: http://www.cotonou.diplo.de

      Postal address:
      Ambassade de la République fédérale d'Allemagne
      B.P. 504, Cotonou, B?in

    • University of Benin
      Internet: UAC Benin
    • ISM-Adonai
      Internet: ISM-Adonai
    • Accomodation / Hotel partners
      Internet: Hotel Riviera
    • Other Information / documents
      Personal travelogue of Dr. Jens Kahlenberg: travelogue (.pdf) Reisebericht (.pdf)